Mother’s Day Collaboration with Endota, May 2021

This Mother’s Day, Endota has teamed up with fine artist, Antoinette Ferwerda and her gorgeous artwork, Green Hills. Make sure you thank mum for all the precious moments shared; for the encouragement given, words spoken and for the love that’s shaped us.  You can read about Antoinette in our Meet the Maker blog. 

Gallery & Studio

659 Nepean Highway

Brighton East, Victoria,

3187, Australia


Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm

+61 03 9591 0864


Antoinette Ferwerda opened her gallery and studio space in 2017, and supports emerging and established artists, curating a warm and welcoming experience for visitors to connect with the artwork in an intimate setting. 


Represented Artists

Antoinette Ferwerda

Michael Bond

Lara Moisi

Celina Klohk

Alex Kynaston